Mevlana Exchange Programme

Mevlana Exchange Programme Coordinator;

Prof. Dr. Lecturer Member Murat KARAKUŞ

What is Mevlana Exchange Programme?

   Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programme that aims to exchange students and academic staff between higher education institutions in Turkey and higher education institutions abroad. It entered into force with the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 23 August 2011 and numbered 28034. The financial supporter of this programme is the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education of the Republic of Turkey. Mevlana Exchange Programme consists of 2 mobility. One of them is Mevlana Exchange Programme and the other is Project Based International Exchange Programme. Under this heading, information about the Mevlana Exchange Programme will be given.

Students and academics who want to come to our University and students of our University who want to study in other institutions can benefit from the Mevlana Exchange Programme. (Ankara University faculty members and academic staff can only benefit from the Project-Based International Exchange Programme). In order for the exchange to take place, there must be a Mevlana Agreement between Ankara University and the counter institution. Our students can benefit from the exchange between 1 semester and 1 academic year according to the content of the agreement. According to the Executive Board Decision of the Council of Higher Education, a 4-month grant is paid to the student. Students who want to extend the period are obliged to undertake their own financial situation. The scholarships received by our incoming and outgoing students in their home countries are not interrupted (except YTB scholarship). If there is a situation such as tuition fees etc. that students have to pay at their home universities, payment should be made. Incoming students will not pay tuition fees to our University. Our dormitories are free of charge for exchange students coming to Ankara University.

In academic exchange, there must be an agreement between Ankara University and the counter institution within the scope of Mevlana. Academics can participate in the exchange for a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 89 days. Weekly teaching hours should be maximum 6 hours. Daily allowances and transport fees are paid according to the Executive Board Decision of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education for the day they will stay. Our guesthouse is free of charge for our participants who want to benefit from the guesthouse of Ankara University.

Higher education institutions wishing to make an agreement can contact by sending an e-mail to the corporate e-mail of the Mevlana Office.

How to Apply?

     Applications for the Mevlana Exchange Programme are announced on the official page of Ankara University Mevlana Exchange Programme Coordinatorship in February. The application period lasts approximately one month. The applications received cover the next academic year, not the current academic year. The information that we have announced the application is also notified to our contracted partners via e-mail. Our partners are obliged to announce the start of Mevlana Exchange Programme applications at their own university and to receive applications. Our partners examine the applications received and send us the documents of the appropriate ones via e-mail. Personal e-mails to be sent to us by the participants will not be evaluated. E-mails sent by the relevant offices (International Office, Foreign Relations Office, Mevlana Office if any) in the counter institution will be taken into consideration. The applications sent to us will be evaluated by Ankara University Mevlana Office and will be forwarded to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education if deemed appropriate.

Ankara University students are required to submit the required documents to the faculty/institute coordinator within the date range specified above. The documents will be forwarded to us with the cover letters of the faculties and institutes. Applications of students who meet all the required conditions will be accepted. Our students have the right to choose only one university.

Application results will be announced at the end of May, beginning of June.

Documents Required for Incoming and Outgoing Students

  • Application Form (with photo)
  • Transcript (Grade point average must be given according to the 100-value system)
  • Language Certificate (You must have a grade according to the 100-value system. Turkish or English for incoming students, English or the language of the country of destination for outgoing students)

Application Requirements

  • Incoming and outgoing students must be full-time students in an undergraduate, master’s or doctoral programme.
  • The grade point average of undergraduate students must be at least 2.50 in the quadratic system, and 3.00 for master’s and doctoral students.

    MBP (Mevlana Merit Point) consists of 50% of the grade point average and 50% of the language score. Students are ranked from the highest score downwards according to the MBP.

If there are other criteria determined by the faculties and institutes, they must meet these conditions. You can find these criteria in the application announcement text.

Students cannot apply during periods such as preparatory and scientific preparation.

Documents Required for Incoming Academic Staff

  • Application Form (with photo)
  • CV 

Important Nots

     Do not forget to review the Executive Committee Decision of the year you will apply. ( )

Make sure that there is an agreement with the university you want to go to and carefully examine the content of the agreement. You can see the agreements made with universities according to countries under the Agreement heading. Under the title of Agreement Contents and Quotas, you can find the areas covered by the agreement and the number of quotas. All eligible applications are forwarded to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education and the result is determined by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education.

    Mevlana Exchange Programme: It is a student and academic staff exchange programme carried out within the scope of a protocol between higher education institutions in Turkey and higher education institutions abroad.

     Mevlana Exchange Programme Institution Coordination Office:It is the unit responsible for carrying out the procedures related to the Mevlana Exchange Programme in higher education institutions.

     Mevlana Exchange Programme Institution Coordinator: It is the staff directly reporting to the highest institutional supervisor or deputy of the higher education institutions, responsible for carrying out the activities of the Mevlana Exchange Programme Institution Coordination Office on behalf of the higher education institution.